
Now a spoiled rescue pet, Kona is celebrated by her family on her Adoption Day and her birthday. “We love that Kona always wants to be near us and has no concept of personal space,” Dana said. “Whether she is snuggling on the couch, chewing her bone, eating her favorite fruits and vegetables, exploring a new park or playing with her many dog friends, she is always having a great time.
“Kona has brought us friendship, adventure, happiness and increased our already active lifestyle. She’s our constant companion!”

“Suzy was actually a perfect fit because she had a low-key demeanor and my son had been a little fearful of dogs,” Thomas said. “She became our little diva, but Suzy was also very adaptable and went on family trips with us.” Suzy also found a friend in a family member’s puppy, which seemed to tap into her maternal instincts. Thomas agrees there is nothing like having a dog to greet you when walk in the door: “Dogs just bring so much joy to the house.”