The Season of New Beginnings

Besides Mama Poppy and her five Poppyseeds, there’s Mama Hanna and her cute quartet. Plus, I just sent gorgeous Mama Chelsea Grey and her five to their forever homes.

Sadly, the world does not need more kittens and puppies. Every time I run out of room in my program, my heart breaks. My colleagues at North Shore Animal League America do so many important things to address the pet overpopulation crisis, including rescuing dogs and puppies from the horrors of life in puppy mills. Because September 16 is Puppy Mill Awareness Day, I thought I’d tell you about our puppy mill rescue program.
Collaborating with a longtime Colorado partner, National Mill Dog Rescue, we send our mobile rescue units to sites throughout the Midwest to scoop up pure and mixed breed dogs and puppies who would otherwise be killed or discarded because they can’t be sold or can no longer breed…after years of producing litter after litter. Some are less than perfect. Maybe they have an underbite, or cherry eye, or some “flaw” that makes them “unsellable.” Many have been so badly neglected — and have lived in such squalid conditions — that they’re sick or have behavioral issues. This is where we step in. We make repeated trips west to bring them to Long Island, nurture them, and give them a fresh and loving new beginning.
Two people I admire so much are Karla Scaramuzzo and Ted Moriates, the hands-on rescuers who work so hard and drive thousands of miles to bring these dogs to safety, giving them hope, shining a light on puppy mill abuses, and demonstrating why “adopt, don’t shop!” is more than a slogan.

Above, Karla and Ted are unloading dogs rescued this past August from commercial breeding facilities. The tenderness and care they show these animals are the first signs that their lives have changed forever.
In honor of Puppy Mill Awareness Day, I want to tell you about Brandy. She is one of the 50 dogs we rescued last month from a commercial breeder in the Midwest.

Home is just the most beautiful word in an animal rescuer’s vocabulary. It’s what we work and hope for, and September gives us plenty of opportunity to find those homes. Almost immediately after Puppy Mill Awareness Day comes Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week, September 18-24, which Petfinder started in 2022.
At the moment, I have a few “less-adoptable” cats and kittens in my program. But I don’t think they’re less adoptable. I think they’re “perfectly imperfect.”

Jess, my little tripod foster, is so sweet and gentle. Her left hind leg is much shorter than the others. That’s just the way she was born. When she’s a bit older, she’ll have that leg amputated to protect it from being damaged. But nothing stops this nugget. Besides being an absolutely delicious delight of a kitten, she is one of the liveliest, most social nuggets I’ve ever fostered. No matter where I find her, she’s always with other fosters, playing, hanging out, or napping. She makes a great impression on everyone she meets, including a couple of handsome admirers who stopped by recently.
The summer of ’23 was filled with new beginnings…and sad endings. At about the time that our beloved Jessica Rabbit Stern left us in July, a little “ghost” was spotted alone and terrified near a dark and busy street. (See the video here.)

So thank you, Jessica, for sending us Stephen Heavensent. Without you, I would never have known I could love bunnies as much as I do!!!
P.S. Animal League America has two events I want to tell you about.

First is the seventh annual Walk & Wag 30-Mile Facebook Challenge fundraiser. This year, it’s a completely virtual event that anyone can take part in from any place in the world. It began on September 1 and will end on October 7, so there’s still plenty of time to make those steps count and save lives. Visit to learn more.

Next, it’s my pleasure to invite you to join me for our annual Celebration of Rescue on Friday, November 17! As chairperson for this year’s live and virtual celebration, I’m excited to be part of a night that will support and expand our no-kill promise to Rescue, Nurture, Adopt, and Educate. I love this event for many reasons, including the fact that Howard and I announced plans for Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center during this event in 2014. It was a historic night for animal rescue and so meaningful to us. As always, this year’s Celebration of Rescue will be exciting, surprising, and inspiring. To learn more visit