Meet Max2024-11-04T10:44:35-04:00

A medical crisis turned senior Max’s life upside down when his lifetime owner became too ill to care for his special needs.

Max has a motility disorder, which is an abnormality resulting from conditions that disrupt the normal emptying of the stomach through the gastrointestinal tract. Our veterinarians put Max on a regimen of several medications and a special diet. With a plan in place, he’s ready to get the golden retirement he deserves. Despite the challenges Max has faced, he relishes new human friendships and keeps busy with the toys he so enjoys. Thank you for sponsoring Max!

November 2024

Max was among the first to move into our newly renovated Feline Care Home in June, where he enjoys a private room and catio to soak up the sun. He eagerly awaits his caretakers in his rocking chair for those cherished ear rubs. Max loves his bee wand toy, which needs constant replacing, and his pompom retrieval skills are top-notch. Though his health issues persist, familiar surroundings and a special diet are bringing him comfort.

June 2024

Max is still waiting patiently for a home, after his lifelong owner became unable to care for him due to illness. Though he requires specialized medical treatment for his chronic colonic inflation, our veterinary team has a plan in place to keep him comfortable. With the generous support of his Sponsors, we are working tirelessly to find Max a foster home, where his gentle nature will be appreciated and where he can have all the affection he deserves.

February 2024

Max had his life turned upside down when his lifetime owner became too ill to care for Max’s special needs. Max needed medical attention as well and has spent time with our vets who’ve put a plan in place to help him live better with his chronic colonic inflation. Support from his wonderful Sponsors will help find Max a foster home – or a purrmanent one – to provide our wonderful gentleman with the life he has truly deserved all along.

November 2023

Max had an extended summer vacation with his shelter medical team and was eager to catch up with his old friends back in his “home base” of our Feline Care Home. Further collaboration with medical specialists about his precarious gastrointestinal issues has armed our vets with great information being used to provide maximum comfort for Max. He couldn’t be happier to flop over and show his belly as his way of saying he trusts his humans and knows he’s in great hands.

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