Can I take legal action to get a dog back from a shelter?


I found three puppies on a road, and I took them home. Two of them were sick and showed signs of parvo when we found them. We brought these two to the shelter, but at different times. The person that assisted us said we should have brought all three in. My grandma informed the shelter that I wanted to keep the third dog, and we said that I would take her to the vet. The lady said I could keep her as long as she gets to the vet as soon as possible. Later, when I wasn't home, the animal shelter came to my door and told my grandma they had to take my dog. My grandma wouldn't let them until they threatened to take her dogs too. Without my permission or knowledge, they came in, took my dog, and relocated her, and they will not give me any information to get her back. Can I take legal actions?


First, I hope that all of the puppies are getting the veterinary care that they need and are doing well. It was very kind of you to rescue these animals. When a person believes that his or her animal was wrongfully taken or being wrongfully withheld, a lawsuit can be commenced to try to get the animal returned (consult with an attorney in your state). The police can also be contacted. If an animal surrender form was signed, it can be very difficult to get an animal returned. Proving that an agreement was signed under duress or that a person surrendered an animal under duress even if no agreement was signed can also be difficult, although not impossible depending on the evidence. The issue of ownership may also arise in such a case since found animals are not automatically owned by the finder. People who find lost and stray animals (and who choose not to surrender the animals to a shelter) should make efforts to locate the animals’ owners so that lost animals can be reunited with their families and to avoid possible theft charges. Found reports can be filed with local authorities. In some communities, shelters and humane societies maintain lost and found animal lists and the police sometimes do too. Online posting, putting fliers in the area where animals are found, and contacting local veterinarians can help too. Of course, before handing an animal over to a person claiming to own the animal, proof of ownership should be provided. Good luck!

PLEASE NOTE: Responses to legal inquiries are not meant to replace seeking legal advice from an attorney in your state. The materials in this website and any responses to questions are for informational purposes only and are not intended, nor should they be construed, as legal advice. This website, the information contained herein, and any responses to questions directed to this column are not intended to create and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. You should not rely or act upon any information provided on this website or in any response to your inquiry without seeking the advice of an attorney in your state regarding the facts of your specific situation.

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By |2019-07-01T13:17:05-04:00July 1st, 2019|

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