How do we change the laws so animals aren’t allowed to be kept in terrible conditions?

////How do we change the laws so animals aren’t allowed to be kept in terrible conditions?


I have a neighbor who leaves her young dog outside in her small cement yard all the time. It’s starting to get cold here in Las Vegas and I don’t even want to think about how he/she will survive the summer. I had animal control come out but they said if he/she has food and water and some sort of overhang, then it’s not breaking any laws. I have seen other dogs here in Vegas being kept on porches and similar conditions and it breaks my heart. I have called for a welfare check on these animals as well, to not see any change. My question is, how do we change the laws so that animals aren’t allowed to be kept in these terrible conditions? What can I do to help? Thank you!


I am so sorry to hear about this situation. Legislators listen to their constituents so first step would be to find out who represents you in the Nevada Assembly and Nevada Senate. Try to set up a meeting to go over your concerns. Then follow-up. You can also contact your local legislators in Las Vegas. Aside from trying to get more stringent humane laws passed, sometimes speaking with a neighbor and offering suggestions can help to resolve a given problem. Offering to adopt or purchase the animal may work too. Various agencies have the power to enforce animal cruelty/neglect laws so even if animal control made the determination that a law was not being violated, the SPCA (society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) may see things differently. Also, law enforcement officers may take more action in inclement weather when an animal’s well-being is in greater jeopardy (so making follow-up complaints in inclement weather when an animal is not protected may help the animal). I hope this all works out!

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By |2020-12-09T17:23:36-04:00November 20th, 2020|