Is this an illegal adoption?


I got evicted from my apartment on 10-09-2019 and was told by the officers of the court that by law the owner of the property would have to be responsible for my property for 15 days- I was in contact with Animal Control the whole time before they even picked up my dog. I had 15 days from the day I left the property to get my dogs and I was going to the house secretly to feed my dogs. I did not abandon them. Well on 10-16-2019 I went to go pick my dogs up and they where gone. Long story short I had 15 days from 10/9 and they picked up my dogs 10/16 and she got adopted 11/2. I went to Animal Control on 11/3 to get her out and she was gone. They contacted Animal Haven of New York City and they told me she was flying out the following Tuesday and that they were going to call me to return my dog and they never did! They left with her to New York and they let her get adopted from another family. I have tried to contact them since 11/3 to get back my Lulu and I barely got a response today. Is this considered illegal adoption?


Usually when a person is evicted, animals are not left on premises. If they are, animal control is generally contacted and the animals are taken to an animal shelter. People who face eviction should make arrangements for their pets prior to the lock out date (and most tenants are made aware of when that date will be). Shelter impound laws differ throughout the country (and sometimes even among municipalities in the same state) with respect to the time the animals must be held before being re-homed or euthanized and fees charged to owners seeking to retrieve their animals. The animal’s owner may have a viable claim to get the animal returned if there was a violation of the law (for example, the shelter released the animal before the expiration of the owner redemption period). After an animal has been re-homed (particularly out of state) these cases get more complicated and more difficult to win. I suggest you consult with an attorney in your state and in New York who can advise you about possible next steps.

PLEASE NOTE: Responses to legal inquiries are not meant to replace seeking legal advice from an attorney in your state. The materials in this website and any responses to questions are for informational purposes only and are not intended, nor should they be construed, as legal advice. This website, the information contained herein, and any responses to questions directed to this column are not intended to create and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. You should not rely or act upon any information provided on this website or in any response to your inquiry without seeking the advice of an attorney in your state regarding the facts of your specific situation.

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By |2020-01-10T14:09:49-04:00December 12th, 2019|

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