Hello I am asking for help with our neighbors two small dogs who are left outside all day in all weather conditions in which they are not sheltered, and left without any food or water. The owners leave all day to go to work and do not leave any water or food. I have reached out to the owners and asked if they would give the dogs up. They do not. I have called and complained 4 different times with the Humane Society, they have stated that they have been out to check on the dogs, but they have not due to the fact they are still without food and water. Now the dogs are placed behind a wooden fence in which they cannot be seen. I need someone to help me help these dogs.
I suggest that you contact the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), police, local rescue groups, and animal control to check on the dogs again. Sometimes (but certainly not always) while conditions are not ideal, they do not reach the level of a violation of the animal cruelty laws, leaving investigators to try to educate the “owner” about humane care. Keep on following up since sometimes one officer views a situation in a different way from another officer. So while one may not take action, another will. Changed conditions (for example, inclement weather or appearance of animals) can also trigger further investigations and action.
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