Cats stolen out of my RV.


Someone broke into my RV and stole my cats. Does this make it more than a civil case?

Washington, USA


Whether the removal of the cats from your vehicle is criminal would depend on the circumstances. For example, Washington State Law states, in part:
"To protect the health and safety of an animal, an animal control officer or law enforcement officer who reasonably believes that an animal is suffering or is likely to suffer harm from exposure to excessive heat, cold, lack of ventilation, or lack of necessary water is authorized to enter a vehicle or enclosed space to remove an animal by any means reasonable under the circumstances if no other person is present in the immediate area who has access to the vehicle or enclosed space and who will immediately remove the animal. An animal control officer, law enforcement officer, or the department or agency employing such an officer is not liable for any damage to property resulting from actions taken under this section."
The law also states that it is a civil infraction to leave an animal unattended in a vehicle “if the animal could be harmed or killed by exposure to excessive heat, cold, lack of ventilation, or lack of necessary water.” A person may also be charged criminally for the violation of the state’s animal cruelty laws.
Many states have similar laws regarding animals left unattended in vehicles and all states have animal cruelty laws.

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By |2025-01-21T12:06:41-04:00December 12th, 2024|

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