What rights do I have as a foster parent?


A girl that I was friends with found six kittens behind a dumpster. Because I have an extra bedroom that is not being occupied, she asked me if I would take the kittens overnight. I agreed. Overnight turned into two nights and then 2 weeks and then 2 months and I have now had these kittens for almost 4 months. About 2 months into having these kittens my friend got a rescue group involved so the kittens could get vaccinated and spayed and neutered. I have never signed anything with this rescue group and now they are trying to take the kittens from me to adopt them out. I have become attached to the kittens since I've had them for 4 months and I am unwilling to give them up. They want to take legal action against me because I won't hand over the kittens. I just want to know what rights I have as someone who took these kittens in and now being threatened with legal action if I don't hand them over.

Arizona, USA


I cannot predict how a court will decide the case if the rescue pursues it, particularly since you may not have entered into any agreement with the rescue. Consider, however, that your friend may have represented to the rescue that the kittens were homeless and that you were fostering them on a temporary basis. Consider also that the rescue (not you and not your friend) paid to have the kittens vaccinated and spayed/neutered, perhaps because it was represented to the rescue that the kittens would eventually be given to the rescue. I hope that everyone carefully thinks about what is best for the kittens. Remember, the kittens will soon become full grown cats, all of whom will need veterinary care, food, clean litter, and your time. 

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By |2025-01-21T11:38:04-04:00December 4th, 2024|

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