Katie’s Last Litter Brings a New Life

For eight years, Katie endured a life of hardship at the hands of a commercial breeding facility. Thanks to our partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue, this sweet Maltese was saved and brought to North Shore Animal League America. We soon learned, however, that Katie was pregnant, yet again. We don’t know how many litters Katie had already been forced to bear — all without the comfort of nurturing care or proper medical attention — but we promised her this one would be the last.

Katie arrives in November, 2024.

Katie was looked after in a loving foster home, until she was ready to give birth at our Pet Health Centers. When the time finally arrived, it became clear that her small, exhausted body couldn’t endure the process. Katie struggled to deliver her litter and had to be rushed into emergency surgery. Thanks to the skilled hands of our veterinary team, Katie made it through, and we welcomed three tiny pups — affectionately named Mo, Larry, and Curly — into the world.

Please give to the new mom’s and litters in our nursery, and help us give them the love and care they deserve until they are ready to find a happy home of their own.

Katie’s recovery from surgery was difficult, and as her body fought to heal, her milk began to dry up. The task of keeping her puppies nourished and strong fell to our dedicated Nursery staff, who bottle-fed the pups every three to four hours around the clock. Despite her own exhaustion, Katie remained a vigilant and attentive mother. She watched over her babies with unwavering love, restless whenever they were out of her sight.

It’s heartbreaking to imagine how many times Katie endured this cycle without anyone to care for her well-being. But now, Katie’s days of being used are behind her; it’s her time to be cherished. At North Shore Animal League America, we are committed to ensuring that Katie and animals like her have a future filled with love, comfort, and the life they truly deserve.


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